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(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for playing my game twice!


Enjoyable game, found The Hotel level a lot more interesting than The House 


Thank you! :)


rlly nice game

THIS WAS A RUSH! I had goosebumps when these freaks showed up. Great Game, If you would like I put a video of it on my channel!

Thank you! Yes! I would like that! :)


This game makes me feel crazy...and i love it!

Thank you!


I love this game!

I really like I'm on observation duty and alternate watch, and this game gives me that feeling, like yeah there's a bunch of other of those games, but this one feels really good, the designs and visuals are really good, the alternates are abundant and creepy, and the things you have to look out for are a lot! haha like small details or big things that sometimes you just don't notice.

Love it! can't wait for the next level :D


I'm glad you enjoy my game! I'm working on new updates, stay tuned!


yeah!!! that's great :D!!!!


Can you make an Android version of this game. its super fun and i would like to be able to play it on the go.


Im having problems exporting to any platform except windows, when I finish it, I will try to do it on every platform.


I love the game. If I had to put a fault with it, it is that on the error screen it does not tell you what was the anomaly that you have not been able to fix, but well, this is my opinion. Btw 10/10


Thank you for your input! I'll consider it! :)


great game, had fun playing it!!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks! :)


Me ha costado más que la casa pero ha estado bastante bien. Lo del pasillo me pilló totalmente desprevenido xD.

Jajaja! Gracias amigo por jugarlo! Un abrazo


trickier than the house location! creepy nonetheless!

Thank you! I loved watching your video! :)


German Gameplay on my Channel :D

Thank you my friend! :)


Really cool game, loved the atmosphere!

Thanks! :)




only issue I have is the noise it makes when fixing something you reported everything else is great but my head was killing me after 2 rounds 

Ok, I think it's a fair request, I'll see what can I do. 

Thanks for your comment!


Thank you for letting me know about the update! I really loved it !  Great game and I hope you continue to add onto it !!


Thank you for playing again! I love the video!


:) I am glad you enjoyed my video ! Please keep on adding onto this game!


so many intruders... | Caught On Camera

graphics are great & made me jump a couple times! excited to play the new game!

(1 edit)

Thank you!

(2 edits) (+2)

I love games like these! I really enjoyed this game and its spooky elements. The intruders are my favorite part of your game coupled with the music. It's super eerie! I played a no commentary version for my channel and hope more people discover your game so they can play it! Can't wait for the big update you have planned!

Thank you! The update will be released soon! ;)


This one is the most similar to the first Observation duty game I've played yet. It is really simple but has its creepy moments. Hope you add onto it !


Thank you for your words! And thank you for playing and sharing my game!


Hi ! I went to pin your comment on my video but it deleted it instead ! I apologize .  I will check out the newest updates though! Really enjoyed this game and im so glad you are adding onto it !


Definitely one of the best Observation Duty-like games



So good and creepy , loved it.

Thanks! :)


is this available on Mac IOS? I really want to play this game but I don't have windows

I had some troubles compiling it to Mac, but I will try again in the next updates!

(2 edits) (+2)

This was fun! I hope the next update makes things harder tho, because I won second try. Edit: I thought this game would give me a heart attack too with the jumpscares of the intruders popping on the cameras lol

What are the PC requirements for this game?

I don't know the specifc requirements, but I tested in a old Surface Pro 3 with an i5 processor and no dedicated grapichs card, running at a resolution of 1280x720 with medium graphics settings, and it worked perfectly.

I Hope that helped you!


Any plans to bring this to steam?

Yes,  I'm going to upload it to Steam in the next big update

Sweet, thanks for the reply ,looking forward to it.


Very looking forward to next big update...


Bizarre creatures and a balanced and pleasant difficulty to play!

i had a lot of fun playing this game


Thanks for your words and thanks for playing my game!


need more games like alternate watch 

I agree. Thanks for playing my game!


Gameplay en ESPAÑOL.

Nice game, I like the detail of intruders reacting when you report them.

Gracias amigo por jugarlo y compartirlo! Te mando un abrazo!


this game is ass


and why do you say that?


Loved the new update! Left some notes at the end of the video! Love the direction this is going

Thanks friend for playing my game again! and thanks for the feedback!


Fantastic game! Loved the intruders, super creepy stuff. Had a lot of fun beating this! Would love to see more maps! 

Thanks for playing and sharing my game!


Really Freaking Good and scary! I somehow completed it in one try.

Thank you Dayne for playing my game!


is there more than one ending? Looks so good!


Hi! Thanks! I'm working on a new location! The house is just the first stage. ;)


thank you!!!!


Incredibly good, but im always having such a hard time noticing the smaller things. thats perfect. the subtilty makes it so much more of an immersive experience and makes the bigger jumpscares hit a whole lot harder. excellent job! 


Thank you Jay for playing and sharing my game! I appreciate what you said!


This was great! The intruders were truly terrifying. I'd love to see more cameras added to the level, or even more levels in the game! Looking forward to seeing what you create next!

Hey! Thanks for playing and sharing my game! Updates comming soon!


A great little chunk of I'm On Observation Duty for anyone looking to dip their toes into the game, or if you just want a good scare or two.


Great video! Thank you for playing and sharing my game!


SUPER Impressed with this game! A lot of fun to play and it's actually developed very well! I think it's missing that clicking noise to add that sense of audio every time you click something, but other than that, I had no real complaints! Intruders in this one are TERRIFYING!!

Thank you for playing and sharing my game! Updates coming soon.


I loved the game! The anomalies are very disturbing and the environment is very well generated! Greetings from Argentina!


Gracias amigazo por jugarlo y compartirlo! Saludos desde Argentina también!


Great difficulty level and beautiful graphics! 

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